Tuesday, December 14, 2010


It's just starting to hit me. I'm going to be a mom. I can truly say I'm an expectant mom. What does this really mean? I know I have much to discover and learn. We are nearing the finish line of our part and heading towards the most difficult waiting period. In so many ways, we are now officially "expecting parents."

As of today, our paperwork is finished. Our profile books are here and waiting to be examined. Our last class (CPR/First Aid) will be on Saturday. My individual interview with our case worker is tomorrow. Ken's is on Thursday. Our case worker will come to our home on Monday to interview us together and survey our home. She is a very sweet lady and knows that we are still in the process of moving in. I am nervous though I have no reason to be. Bethany desires to match children with their forever families. Still, I wonder if I'll measure up. Since it is the Christmas season, I wonder if Mary felt this way too?

After Christmas, we join the list of couples waiting to become parents. What will this mean for us? When will we become parents? After attending the class two weekends ago, I know our story will be different from everyone else.

We are excited, yet also being realistic. We could be waiting for a while, but it could also happen quickly. Ken and I do have some fun dreaming and planning. Tonight at dinner we were discussing "child proofing" the house which still has boxes in every room. We also are starting to research car seats and strollers. We'll be purchasing the car seat system in January as we don't know when we'll get "the call." The nerves and anticipation are much greater than waiting for Christmas morning though I was (and am) the child who woke up at 3 or 4 am ready to open presents.

I love this time of year, and though we don't have a Christmas tree or decorations up this year, I feel like I can relate to the true Christmas story more than ever. Mary was an expectant mother: not knowing the full story, but fully trusting in her heavenly father. Joseph was an expectant "adopting" father: this child was not from his body but wanted and loved. The shepherds were not expecting, but when they heard the news, they did not hesitate but ran to see what God had planned. The Wise Men had to wait to meet this expected child, but they were patient, diligent, and obedient. My prayer this Christmas season is that we all may be joyfully expectant and trusting that our loving God has our story perfectly planned and that we'll be as obedient and ready as those in the Christmas story were.

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